Career Opportunities
Unpaid internships are available for real world work experience in the nonprofit world as well as within the movement for criminal legal reform. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to apply if they have an interest in the intersection of social justice and the criminal justice system. Work can be exclusively remote or include participation in practical training.
Planning to apply? Read the descriptions below and send an email to with the subject line of the semester and year for which you are applying and the title of the internship for which you are applying. Include a resume and cover letter detailing your interest in the opportunity.
Need academic credit? Let’s talk.
Development Interns
Development Interns are supervised and work closely with the Director of Development on research, communications, online presence optimization, and producing and analyzing program and project budgets.
Interns will be expected to attend bi-weekly hour long check-in meetings to be set upon orientation. They will use a project management tool to track their progress and they will display willingness to be creative, hands-on, and learn to contend with the unexpected.
Outcomes include a greater understanding of capital litigation, further experience as an activist, and general competency relating to nonprofit operations.
Legal Interns
Legal Interns are supervised and work closely with the Executive Director and the Mitigation Services Coordinator and will be expected to participate in research, case tracking, training, and possibly consultations depending on skill and experience.
Interns will need to have an understanding that our work can go quickly from feast to famine so they must have the ability to adapt to a varying workflow.
Legal Interns must be either undergraduate or graduate students with a dedicated interest in the law with an emphasis on capital litigation.