
Consultation services are just as important as all of ACCR’s other efforts at improving the quality of capital defense around the state. ACCR staff are always available to teams via phone, email and the contact form on our website. When appropriate, staff members work alongside teams from the time notice to seek the death penalty is filed through trial and sentencing. We offer near endless services including making referrals for experts, providing sample materials, drafting declarations to be used in litigation, testifying on various issues related to defense team functions, conducting voir dire training and coordinating mock trial preparation. Continued support for defense teams is critical to the understanding of their individual case’s complex issues. In addition, teams are always invited to participate at the annual BYOC training and staff members continue to follow up with all attendees of the training until their case has resolved. ACCR’s community network provides the framework for our active participation in hundreds of cases. Defenders and defendants in need of expert advice can reach out to ACCR to schedule in depth consultations to work through specific case issues and challenges at any time.